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Project Category: Apple Valley Projects

Polyurea/Polyaspartic Garage Floor Summer 2021

Polyurea/Polyaspartic Garage Floor Summer 2021

Polyurea/Polyaspartic Garage Floor (Summer 2021) We recently installed a new Polyurea / Polyaspartic garage floor coating for an Apple Valley homeowner who was renovating their garage. Our fast concrete coating system allowed this homeowner to fix up their garage in...
Chemical Resistant Garage Floor Installed

Chemical Resistant Garage Floor Installed

Chemical Resistant Garage Floor Installed If you use your garage floor for more than just storing your cars or boxes, it likely takes a beating with stains and chemicals. In this residential garage, we installed a chemical resistant and slid resistant...
Damaged Garage Floor Repaired in Apple Valley

Damaged Garage Floor Repaired in Apple Valley

Damaged Garage Floor Repaired in Apple Valley We recently worked to repair a damaged garage floor in Apple Valley. The floor had shifted and ended up getting cracked in multiple spots, and was also highly spalled.  We worked on a 1-day garage floor installation that...